Tuesday 13 December 2011

Actor wardrobe and Filming scenes

The female actor will be wearing three outfits throughout the video.

-First of all the female actor will be wearing a gown with very neat hair and makeup this will be for scene three but will be filmed first. She will first spray the perfume and look beautiful, Look over her shoulder with her back to the camera while flicking her hair, Secondly a mid shot will be taken(cut off at her nose to her waist) holding the perfume in her left hand revealing the perfumes name .

-Secondly scene two will be filmed. In this scene the female actor will be wearing a less formal yet pretty/sexy dress and more casual hair and neat makeup.

-Scene one will be filmed last of all, as the female actor will need to smudge all her makeup and mess her hair up also she will be wearing ragged clothing.

-The male actor will only wear one outfit, this outfit needs to be smart and fashionable 
The male actor is involved in both scene one and two.

-And lastly the mysterious character will be wearing a robe the hood will need to cover their face. 
-This character is only involved in the last scene to be filmed which is scene one.

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